доброго времени суток коллеги) принесли аппарат Explay Surfer 8,31 3G проц MT6577 внешне никаких призраков жизни при конекте с пк отображается как Mediatek Usb Port пробовал шить через CM2 вот лог
Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 3 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6575
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6575|MT6577_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCB00 , 0x8B00 , 0xE201
Processing BROM stage
i2c Init : 00008810
SpeedSet : 0000
VChrgSet : 0x28 , BatStat : 0x02
WD Disable stat : 0x0000
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer : 0x0005
BLVersion : 0x00FE
PreLoader : NOT Active [ Erased ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.3.2 on BBID : 0x84
Initialize Memory ...
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
[DA_ERROR] : DA Init failed!
Something wrong with battery or connection!
Boot Error!
Operation Failed
Elapsed: 00:00:24
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 3 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6575
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6575|MT6577_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCB00 , 0x8B00 , 0xE201
Processing BROM stage
i2c Init : 00008810
SpeedSet : 0000
VChrgSet : 0x28 , BatStat : 0x02
WD Disable stat : 0x0000
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer : 0x0005
BLVersion : 0x00FE
PreLoader : NOT Active [ Erased ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.3.2 on BBID : 0x84
Initialize Memory ...
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
[DA_ERROR] : DA Init failed!
Something wrong with battery or connection!
Boot Error!
Operation Failed
Elapsed: 00:00:24
Reconnect Power/Cable!