пришел ipd 3 3G висит на шнурке.
update_baseband: requesting baseband firmware data
[07:21:45.0094] update_baseband: received data from host (120518 bytes)
[07:21:45.0094] update_baseband: performing next update stage
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: BEGIN: Perform stage at first
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Loading...
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x4001a100 of 0x4003d55c (18 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x40022200 of 0x4003d55c (37 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x4002a300 of 0x4003d55c (55 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x40032400 of 0x4003d55c (74 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x4003a500 of 0x4003d55c (93 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x4003d55c of 0x4003d55c (100 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater:
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Launching...bbupdater: OK
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: END: Perform stage at first
[07:21:45.0094] send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host
[07:21:45.0094] update_baseband: querying baseband info
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: BEGIN: Querying info at stage second
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing Second stage
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts remaining 0...bbupdater: OK
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Baseband VendorID [0x5C6] ProductID [0x9008]
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: END: Preparing Second stage
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Saying Hello...001220.860807 AppleUSBOHCIPort@3100000::resetAndCreateDevice: failed to address device (0xe00002ed), disabling port
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: END(kBBUReturnIOError): Querying info at stage second
[07:21:45.0094] send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host
[07:21:45.0094] update_baseband: bbupdater error: The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (BBUpdater error 3 - Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.)
[07:21:45.0094] 0: RamrodErrorDomain/3ec: update_baseband: failed querying baseband info
[07:21:45.0094] 1: BBUpdater/3: Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.
[07:21:45.0094] unable to convert ramrod error 1004
[07:21:45.0094] ==== end of device restore output ====
[07:21:45.0172] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
[07:21:45.0260] <Restore Device 05F881E0>: Restore failed (result = -1)
[07:21:45.0447] Restore completed, status:3
[07:21:45.0447] Failure Description:
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:0 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: -1
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:1 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 - Failed to handle message type StatusMsg)
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:2 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 - failed to update device firmware)
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:3 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 - ramrod firmware update failed)
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:4 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (RamrodErrorDomain error 1004 - update_baseband: failed querying baseband info)
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:5 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (BBUpdater error 3 - Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.)
---------- Сообщение добавлено в 14:38 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было от в 14:34 ----------
по ошибке видно, что модем не повышается. если не прав поправьте
---------- Сообщение добавлено 29.10.2013 в 10:04 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было от 28.10.2013 в 14:38 ----------
перекатал модем так же без результатно. перекатал nand и аппарат выдал ошибку 3 в конце прошивки без долгого зависания, до этого долго стоял на прошивке и выдавал ошибку. вывел с помощью тиниамбрела и аппарат включился и работает
update_baseband: requesting baseband firmware data
[07:21:45.0094] update_baseband: received data from host (120518 bytes)
[07:21:45.0094] update_baseband: performing next update stage
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: BEGIN: Perform stage at first
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Loading...
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x4001a100 of 0x4003d55c (18 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x40022200 of 0x4003d55c (37 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x4002a300 of 0x4003d55c (55 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x40032400 of 0x4003d55c (74 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x4003a500 of 0x4003d55c (93 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: 0x4003d55c of 0x4003d55c (100 percent)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater:
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Launching...bbupdater: OK
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: END: Perform stage at first
[07:21:45.0094] send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host
[07:21:45.0094] update_baseband: querying baseband info
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: BEGIN: Querying info at stage second
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing Second stage
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts remaining 0...bbupdater: OK
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Baseband VendorID [0x5C6] ProductID [0x9008]
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: END: Preparing Second stage
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: Saying Hello...001220.860807 AppleUSBOHCIPort@3100000::resetAndCreateDevice: failed to address device (0xe00002ed), disabling port
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
[07:21:45.0094] bbupdater: END(kBBUReturnIOError): Querying info at stage second
[07:21:45.0094] send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host
[07:21:45.0094] update_baseband: bbupdater error: The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (BBUpdater error 3 - Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.)
[07:21:45.0094] 0: RamrodErrorDomain/3ec: update_baseband: failed querying baseband info
[07:21:45.0094] 1: BBUpdater/3: Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.
[07:21:45.0094] unable to convert ramrod error 1004
[07:21:45.0094] ==== end of device restore output ====
[07:21:45.0172] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
[07:21:45.0260] <Restore Device 05F881E0>: Restore failed (result = -1)
[07:21:45.0447] Restore completed, status:3
[07:21:45.0447] Failure Description:
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:0 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: -1
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:1 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 - Failed to handle message type StatusMsg)
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:2 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 - failed to update device firmware)
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:3 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 - ramrod firmware update failed)
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:4 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (RamrodErrorDomain error 1004 - update_baseband: failed querying baseband info)
[07:21:45.0447] Depth:5 Error:The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (BBUpdater error 3 - Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.)
---------- Сообщение добавлено в 14:38 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было от в 14:34 ----------
по ошибке видно, что модем не повышается. если не прав поправьте
---------- Сообщение добавлено 29.10.2013 в 10:04 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было от 28.10.2013 в 14:38 ----------
перекатал модем так же без результатно. перекатал nand и аппарат выдал ошибку 3 в конце прошивки без долгого зависания, до этого долго стоял на прошивке и выдавал ошибку. вывел с помощью тиниамбрела и аппарат включился и работает