Спасибо большое! И последний вопрос - вот лог из setool.
short credits consumption list :
Services OFFLINE
S1 v1 xx credits
S1 v2 xx credits
S1 OPEN AID 004 xx credits
CID81 A2 phones, FLASHMODE activation way xx credits
Services ONLINE
A1 phones 03 credits
S1 OPEN 03 credits
A2 phones, CSCA way 03 credits
S1 v2 alternative bypass unlock/repair 01 credits
S1 v2 alternative bypass STANDALONE activation 10 credits
W100,W150 codes 01 credits
You CAN NOT unlock next phones without S1 servers:
u1/u5/u8 aid 004,
LoCosto,Neptune-based phones with damaged security zone,
LoCosto,Neptune-based phones with loader AID 004,
w100,w150 full unlock,ck13,ck15,wt13,
any SONY phone, released from 2012 year
current updater version: 0.95
current setool2 version: 1.1299
request denied.
Elapsed: 1 secs.
строчка current updater version: 0.95 не говорит что у меня уже стоит нужное обновление?