помагите в iphone 4 поменять модемный часть

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добрый день всем скажите пожалуйста что надо поменять чтоб iphone 4 привезенный видел нашу сим карту (рус) что входит в модемную часть и после замены надо прошить заново.
как то вот так:
"...you need some skills in rework of BGA-Chips and you should be very carefully to not damage your working iPhone

Steps to do it:
- remove baseband chip from damage board use a rework station (HotAir or Infrared) be carefull to not damage the baseband chip or other components around it
- remove baseband chip from locked board
- clean locked board
- rebald unlocked baseband chip
- and solder unlock baseband chip on the locked board with rework station

consider that the IMEI is stored in the baseband chip and that you gonna change the IMEI of your locked iPhone with the IMEI of the damage one, because you cahnge the chips

but do it at your own risk
have fun..." Надеюсь сможете перевести! Удачи!
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