ваш програма пишет так
Dongle firmware(0126)is out of date !
download latest upgrade-client (donglemanager) from support area and upgrade dongle firmware.
а вот кокда я обнувлаю свой бох пишет так что я нетак сделал ? подскажите пожалуста
DongleManager version: 1.53
13.03.2015 18:36:28
PC HWID: 10808484F87BA5CB76E4752C3A1DF2AC
Card-Reader: Axalto e-gate 0
Card type: inf
Dongle serial No (S/N): ********
Firmware version: 0126.02
Dongle status: activated
"UK edition" status: On
Last launched application: 001A v.0413
Active modules:
- 00: inf v.0126
Online Service Account:
- Username: **********
- Password: ********
Dongle parameters checksum: ******
----------Process started: 13.03.2015 18:38:06----------
DongleManager version: 1.53
PC HWID: 10808484F87BA5CB76E4752C3A1DF2AC
Card-Reader: Axalto e-gate 0
Card type: inf
Locating server...
Server address found
Connecting to server
Server connection successfully established
S/N: ********, Firmware: 0126.02
Authenticating on server...
Authentication stage error:
Server reported error:[0007] No more upgrade logs.
Dongle is up-to-date and has latest firmware. DO NOT try more !