Device synchronized.
Injecting EBL-Loader (PSI).
Injecting EBL
Boot-loader is active
EBL version: xmm2130_INSA_JD2_10.2_M1S1 10..2
Boot mode is: BB
Using: Faster CRC, Writing all blocks
Package length is 2048
Baud rate set to 921600
Get flash id.
CFI stage 1
Flash ID is: 88B10089
CFI stage 2
Boot process finished
The erase-all mode is only allowed for boot-system/code images
The erase-all mode may only be selected when downloading boot components or code images.
Check the settings and file selections.
Channel 1 is succesfully closed.
И до кучи вопрос, что с этим делать?