29.05.2017 15:18:24> HiPower mode is OFF
29.05.2017 15:18:24> CMD Pullup Level: 2681 mV
29.05.2017 15:18:24> CMD Active Level: 2753 mV
29.05.2017 15:18:24> eMMC Init returned = 0
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC Device Information :
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC CID: 1501004D384731574105C28755C850D2
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFE18E404028
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC Manufacture Name: SAMSUNG
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC Manufacture ID: 0x15 , OEM ID: 0100
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC Manufacture Date: 5/2013 , Rev: 05
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC NAME: M8G1WA , S/N: C28755C8 , rev. 05
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC NAME (HEX): 4D3847315741
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC ROM 1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 7456 MB (0001D2000000)
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC ROM 2/3 (Boot Partition 1/2) Capacity: 4096 KB (000000400000)
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 512 KB (000000080000)
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Extended CSD rev: 1.5 (MMC 4.41)
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG]: 0x48 , Boot from: ROM2 (Boot partition 1)
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Boot Bus Config: 0x00 , width 1bit
29.05.2017 15:18:24> H/W Reset Function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x00, RST_n signal is temporarily disabled
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Supported partition features [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x03
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Device supports partitioning features
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Partition Settings [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Backup saved: M8G1WA_C28755C8_20170529_151824.extcsd
29.05.2017 15:18:24> EMMC Init completed.
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Writing eMMC Register ...
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Reg: 177 Value: 0x01
29.05.2017 15:18:24> Successfully