[21.06.2012 15:01:00] [START OPERATION_ID = RESURRECT]
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Open serial port...OK
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Firmware Version: 1.32, JTAG Manager Version: 1.43
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Selected Resurrector: [HTC OneV (PK76100) via USB V1.0.4608.58885]
[21.06.2012 15:02:29]
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Looking for the HS-USB QDLoader Interface...OK
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Open the HS-USB QDLoader Interface Port...OK
[21.06.2012 15:02:29]
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Establish connection with the Device...OK
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Uploading resurrector data into memory...OK
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Starting communication with resurrector...OK
[21.06.2012 15:02:29]
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Detected an Initialized FLASH1 Chip, ID: 0x0045/0x0000 (SEM04G, 0x000092400000 Bytes = 2,29 GB)
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Detected an Initialized FLASH2 Chip, ID: 0x0045/0x0000 (SEM04G, 0x000000100000 Bytes = 1,00 MB)
[21.06.2012 15:02:29]
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Flashing the dead body...OK
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] Resurrection complete!
[21.06.2012 15:02:29] [FINISH OPERATION_ID = RESURRECT]
---------- Сообщение добавлено в 16:12 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было от в 16:11 ----------
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