Бесплатное решение Repair SIMLocks для всех XGold phones

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Here are the steps on how to REPAIR SIMLOCK from XGOLD213 phones:

- This only works if you try to RESET phone's COUNTERS by FREE tools
and ended-up on Contact Service..
- This will NOT work if you have fully ERASED PM120 in your XGOLD phone

How to Repair SIMLocks for FREEEEEE:

1. Read PM120,0 from corrupted/damaged simlock phone
2. Open to Notepad
3. Put "8" on DATA of RED colour which is "0" wrong RESET by FREE tools
4. "3" - on Yellow colour - this is KEYPAD counter can put "0" here in order to RESET counters
5. Save SIMLock to .pm format and Write with your ATF Box - simple :O)

Example of DAMAGED/SIMLOCK - XGOLD 213 phone:

Example of GOOD SIMLOCK - XGOLD 213 phone:

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